Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ordinary Time 9

Today is Parish Share Weekend! The following letter reflects the letter sent to every registered family:

Dear Parishioner,

“Prayer, fasting and almsgiving may be good in themselves: yet it is not in these practices alone that the goal of our Christian life is found, though they are necessary means for its attainment. The true goal consists in our acquiring the Holy Spirit of God.”

- St. Serapham of Sarov (Russian Monk, 1759-1833)

When I was a child I always enjoyed visiting my Uncle Sam who lived in Pemberton, NJ. He served in the Army for over 40 years. He took special pride that he lived in the Garden State. His garden was abundant in fresh vegetables and he tended to it with great devotion and care. Whenever I would visit him in his home next to Fort Dix, I stood in awe of mother nature and Uncle Sam’s faithful toil.

As the Pastor of St. Joseph Parish in my third year, I stand in wonder and awe of a parish that has existed since 1891. For 120 years our Catholic Faith has been passed on here. Let us continue to extend Christ’s mission not only spiritually but also materially. Our true vocation in life: to love, to care, to connect and to share with others.

Since 1979, the program entitled Parish Share (PSP), initiated by Bishop Vincent Martin Leonard, 9th bishop of Pittsburgh, has continued in our Diocese. Every single parish of the 212 parishes in the Diocese of Pittsburgh are assessed a designated amount in order to contribute to the overall garden of good works and ministry that are done throughout the Diocese. As Christians we are not isolated persons or communities, but living members of a single Body, the Church. I feel richly blessed and humbled to serve this faith community. You inspire me by your holiness, sacrifice, reverence, prayerfulness and charity.

A Bishop friend of mine, Bishop Robert Morneau, Auxilliary Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay, wrote beautifully on the “12 Gardens of Stewardship." The way of Jesus is the way of love, forgiveness, total self-giving and building right relationships with God, self, others and all creation.

GARDEN OF THE BODY: Get proper nutrition; exercise and rest; and avoid chemical abuse, smoking, and in our culture, obesity.
GARDEN OF THE SOUL: Cultivate a prayer life.
GARDEN OF FAMILY & FRIENDS: Take the time to nurture relationships with those important to you.
GARDEN OF THE GLOBE: Care for the environment; recycle; don’t waste natural resources.
GARDEN OF EMOTIONS: Aim for a balance emotionally; work at being in good humor.
GARDEN OF THE “POLIS”: Be politically aware, be an informed and involved citizen, and vote; attend community meetings.
GARDEN OF THE MIND: Keep learning.
GARDEN OF DECISIONS: Make well-informed choices; work toward understanding and consensus; keep the vision and mission of Jesus in mind.
GARDEN OF THE CHIP: Use technology for good purposes.
GARDEN OF HISTORY: Know and value the things of the past; keep lessons of history fresh in the mind.
GARDEN OF THE ARTS: Listen to, read and watch the best in books, music, movies, theater, artwork, radio and television.
GARDEN OF MONEY: Use financial resources well; set and keep a budget; set spending limits; ask how much money is enough.

By now you should have received your 2011 pledge card in the mail. Please fill out the card and return both the “Parish” and “Diocese” copies to the rectory. As in the past, you will receive a monthly reminder of your pledge by mail. The Finance Council has suggested that we keep the pledge amount at $375 from each registered family. This pledge of $375 may be paid in 10 monthly installments at $37.50 per month from March through December. I realize that for some on limited incomes, $375 is a far stretch; but for others who may be more well off, it may not be so difficult to even go beyond. We are delighted by your gracious generosity.

Recently, a parishioner went to Florida to visit his mother and sister. While there, he visited three modern churches and noted that they were spacious, well lit and beautiful, but however, not St. Joseph’s. This experience taught him the great treasure he had in his entire life as a life-long member of St. Joseph Parish. He said that this truly is some place special and he’s grateful for the gift of this parish family and church in his life.

I want to thank you for nurturing and fertilizing the garden here at St. Joseph Parish. With your continued help we can flourish. Our tradition here in the past has been strong and steadfast. Now let us do our part to share through almsgiving as we begin our Lenten journey. The strength of our future depends on our sacrifices and commitment. I pray that all of us will nourish the garden entrusted to our care for the good of the Kingdom of God. It is never too late for God to invigorate and revitalize a person, a church, the world. Thank you for your participation in our Parish Share Program 2011 (PSP). With your help I trust we will reach our goal! God bless you.